机器翻译 - 错误码
HTTP 状态码 | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 | 操作 |
111 | Subaccountservicefailed. | 子账号服务失败 | 诊断 | |
400 | You have not activated this service. | 账号没有开通服务 | 诊断 | |
400 | You have not activated the account service or the account service has overdue bills. | 账号服务没有开通或者欠费 | 诊断 | |
400 | The parameter is invalid. | 参数无效。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The parameter fileUrl is invalid. | 参数fileUrl非法。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The parameter fileUrl is not accessible. | 参数fileUrl无法访问。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The parameter callbackUrl is invalid. | 参数callbackUrl非法。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Failed to translate the certificate. Please check the parameters. | 证件翻译失败,请检查提交的参数。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The parameter imageUrl is not accessible. | 参数imageUrl无法访问。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The QPS of the API operation exceeds limit. | 接口QPS过高 | 诊断 | |
400 | The file size exceeds the limit. | 文件大小超过了限制。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified file type is invalid. | 文件类型不支持。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Your bill is overdue. Please check your bill. | 用户账户已经欠费,请检查您的账单。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Picture translation parameter error. | 图片翻译参数错误 | 诊断 | |
400 | The Machine Translation service has not been activated. | 用户未开通机器翻译服务。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Language spelling error. | 语种拼写错误 | 诊断 | |
400 | Limit exceeded. | 超出限制 | 诊断 | |
400 | One-day temporary limit for new users exceeded. | 超出新用户单日临时限额 | 诊断 | |
400 | You have already open the service. Go to the console to start using it | 您已经开通了服务,转到控制台开始使用 | 诊断 | |
400 | Source languages are not supported. | 源语种不支持。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Target languages are not supported. | 目标语种不支持。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Repeated calls. | 重复调用 | 诊断 | |
400 | repeat invoke. | 重复调用 | 诊断 | |
400 | Originalempty. | 原文空 | 诊断 | |
400 | The account has not activated the service. | 账号没有开通服务 | 诊断 | |
400 | The service is not activated or the account has an outstanding balance. | 账号服务没有开通或者欠费 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified language pair is not supported. | 该语向不支持 | 诊断 | |
403 | The RAM user is not authorized to perform this operation. | 子账号没有权限 | 诊断 | |
403 | The number of calls per day exceeds the limit. | 超出单日调用次数限制。 | 诊断 | |
403 | You are not authorized to operate on the specified resource. | 用户未被授权操作指定的资源。 | 诊断 | |
403 | The service has not been activated. | 服务未开通。 | 诊断 | |
404 | The specified task does not exist. | 指定的任务不存在。 | 诊断 | |
406 | The image file size should be within 10 MB. | 图片大小超出限制,需在10MB以内 | 诊断 | |
406 | The image format is not supported. | 图片格式不支持 | 诊断 | |
406 | Image size should be within 15px to 8192px. | 图片尺寸超出限制,需在15px到8192px之间 | 诊断 | |
406 | Failed to obtain the image from the URL. | 从URL下载图片失败 | 诊断 | |
429 | The request is too frequent, please try again later. | 请求过于频繁,请稍后重试 | 诊断 | |
500 | A system error occurred. | 系统错误 | 诊断 | |
500 | An error occurred while invoking the RAM user service. | 子账号服务失败 | 诊断 | |
500 | An error occurred while calling the translation service. | 翻译服务调用失败 | 诊断 | |
500 | Image erasing error. | 擦图错误 | 诊断 | |
500 | Image fusion error. | 合图错误 | 诊断 | |
500 | Text to paragraph error. | 段落合并错误 | 诊断 | |
500 | Text translation error. | 文本翻译错误 | 诊断 | |
500 | Image translation error. | 图片翻译错误 | 诊断 | |
500 | An error occurred while processing your request. | 未知错误。 | 诊断 | |
500 | A system error occurred. | 系统错误 | 诊断 | |
500 | An error occurred while detecting the language. | 语种识别错误 | 诊断 | |
503 | The internal service connection timeout, please try again later. | 后端服务超时,请稍后重试 | 诊断 | |
503 | An error occurred while processing your request. | 服务内部错误。 | 诊断 |