HTTP 状态码错误码错误信息描述操作
200Your account has been deleted您的账号已被删除诊断
200Advanced search高级搜索诊断
200Alidns cannot be supported for DNSSEC setting当前域名服务器为阿里DNS,不支持DNSSEC设置诊断
200All domains全部域名诊断
200Domain Proxy service has been enabled.已开启域名隐私保护,无需再开启诊断
200One domain is submitted only once within 7 days. 7天内只能通过批量续费提交一次。诊断
200ENS associated, operation prohibited.当前域名已绑定ENS,不能进行操作诊断
200Authority to purchase委托购买诊断
200Real Name Verification failed实名认证审核失败 诊断
200Batch book批量万网预订诊断
200Batch operation批量操作诊断
200Bought domain已买到的域名诊断
2003-5 business day to finish3-5个工作日内审核完成诊断
2003~5 business day to finish3~5个工作日内审核完成诊断
200Buy domains我要买域名诊断
200Buy secondhand domain购买二手域名诊断
200The specified corresponding registrant profile does not exist.找不到对应的联系人信息模板诊断
200Registrant change failed.过户失败诊断
200This domain contains sensitive words and cannot be registered under relevant provisions.该域名含有敏感词,不能继续注册诊断
200We have detected a security risk with your domain registrant identity information, For more information, please contact customer service.您的实名信息存在异常,详情请联系客服。诊断
200Domain name proxy service has been disabled.已关闭域名隐私保护,无需再关闭诊断
200whether com domain need to complete real name verification.com等国际域名是否必须实名认证?诊断
200Comments less than 200 characters.备注信息应小于200字诊断
200Format issue, please input correct city information格式错误,请输入输入正确城市诊断
200City information is 2-64 characters城市为2-64个字符诊断
200Please choose or input city information请选择或输入城市诊断
200Format error, please input correct domain registrant name格式错误,请输入正确的域名所有者名称诊断
200Company length is 2-128 characters单位名称为2-128个字符诊断
200Please input company name请输入域名持有者名称诊断
200Format issue, please input correct contact name格式错误,请输入正确的联系人姓名诊断
200Contact name is 2-100 characters联系人名称为2-100个字符诊断
400It is forbidden to delete the information template during approval.信息模版审核中禁止删除。诊断
400The user has no resource authorization, or the API does not support ram.用户无资源授权,或者该API不支持RAM。诊断
400API trigger current limit.API触发限流。诊断
This action is not allowed.操作不允许,请检查订单参数诊断
The SaleId of activation must be empty.域名新购时不允许填写业务编号,请检查订单参数诊断
This domain name contains blacklist words.域名包含黑名单词,无法使用,请重新选择一个域名诊断
This business is not found.业务不存在,请检查该域名信息是否正确诊断
Server is busy系统忙,请稍后重试诊断