| | | |
400 | | The specified parameter %s is invalid. | 诊断 |
400 | | You have not enabled this service | 诊断 |
400 | | Your account has overdue payments. | 诊断 |
403 | | The operation failed due to invalid cluster status. | 诊断 |
404 | | The specified cluster does not exist. | 诊断 |
404 | | The manager nodes do not exist or their status is abnormal. | 诊断 |
406 | | The agent service request failed. | 诊断 |
406 | AgentError.Account.DomainNotExist
| The specified domain does not exist: %s. | 诊断 |
406 | AgentError.Account.GetentPasswdFailure
| Failed to get the user list: %s. | 诊断 |
406 | AgentError.Account.UserAlreadyExist
| The specified user already exists in domain: %s. | 诊断 |
406 | AgentError.Account.UserAddFailure
| Failed to add user to domain: %s. | 诊断 |
406 | AgentError.Account.UserNotExist
| The specified user is not found in the domain: %s. | 诊断 |
406 | AgentError.Account.UserModifyGroupFailure
| Failed to modify user groups in domain: %s. | 诊断 |
406 | AgentError.Account.UserChangePasswordFailure
| Failed to modify user password in domain: %s. | 诊断 |
407 | | You are not authorized by RAM for this request. | 诊断 |
409 | | Part of the batch operation failed. | 诊断 |
500 | | An unknown error occurred. | 诊断 |
503 | | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server | 诊断 |