| | | |
400 | InvalidDescription.Malformed
| The specified destination description is wrongly formed. | 诊断 |
400 | | The source region not found. | 诊断 |
400 | DestinationRegion.NotFound
| The destination region not found. | 诊断 |
400 | | The image not available. | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidSnapshotId.NotFound
| The specified SnapshotId does not exist. | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidImageName.Duplicated
| The specified image name is already in use in the target region. Please try a different one. | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.EncryptedIllegal
| The specified parameter Encrypted must be true when kmsKeyId is not empty. | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchEncryptAlgorithm
| The specified parameter Encrypted must be true when EncryptAlgorithm is not empty. | 诊断 |
400 | | The specified parameter EncryptAlgorithm is not valid. | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchKmsKeyId
| The specified parameter Encrypted must be true when KmsKeyId is not empty. | 诊断 |
400 | OperationDenied.CommunityImage
| Community image does not support copy. | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidImageName.Malformed
| The specified destination image name is wrongly formed. | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.KmsNotEnabled
| The specified operation need enable KMS. | 诊断 |
400 | OperationDenied.ImageCopyConflict
| The same image cannot be copied concurrently. Please wait until the last copy is completed before performing the next operation. | 诊断 |
400 | | Your account has an outstanding payment. | 诊断 |
401 | | The aliUid must not be null. | 诊断 |
403 | | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource. | 诊断 |
403 | | The number of images exceeds the limit (%s). | 诊断 |
403 | | The snapshot quota exceeds. | 诊断 |
403 | OperationDenied.ImageCopying
| The image is currently being copied. Please try again later. | 诊断 |
403 | | The region not support copy. | 诊断 |
403 | | This operation is denied because the specified snapshot is created before 2013-07-15. | 诊断 |
403 | | The specified snapshot is not allowed to create image. | 诊断 |
403 | IncorrectDestinationRegion
| The destination region is not equal the target region. | 诊断 |
403 | OperationDeined.EncryptedSnapshot
| The image contains encrypted snapshots, which do not support copying. | 诊断 |
403 | OperationDenied.SameRegionOnly
| The image shared from others can not be copied to another region directly. | 诊断 |
403 | OperationDenied.NotPublished
| The operation is denied because corresponding marketplace image is not published in destination region. | 诊断 |
403 | OperationDenied.NotAuthorized
| The operation is denied because corresponding marketplace image is not authorized to current user. | 诊断 |
403 | OperationDenied.EncryptSnapshotAcrossRegion
| The image do not contain encrypted snapshots, which do not support copying to encrypted ones. | 诊断 |
403 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.CMKNotEnabled
| The CMK needs to be enabled. | 诊断 |
403 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.KMSUnauthorized
| ECS service have no right to access your KMS. | 诊断 |
403 | | The specified region does not support byok. | 诊断 |
403 | | The user is not in byok white list. | 诊断 |
403 | InvalidRegionId.NotSupportEncryptAlgorithm
| The current region does not support creating encrypted disks with EncryptAlgorithm. | 诊断 |
403 | OperationDenied.KmsServiceUnauthorized
| The account is not authorized to kms service, please authorize it. | 诊断 |
403 | OperationDenied.NonCompliantDestinationRegion
| The copy operation to the destination region is not in compliance with regulations. | 诊断 |
403 | InvalidEncrypted.NotMatchDiskDefaultEncryption
| The specified parameter Encrypted not match for your account default encryption settings. | 诊断 |
403 | InvalidParameter.DataEncryptedKeyCreateFailed
| Create kms data encrypted key fail. If you need further assistance, you can contact the KMS Technical Support. | 诊断 |
403 | | The image exceeds the maximum size. You can use the CopySnapshot API to copy your snapshots of the image and then create a new image from them. | 诊断 |
404 | | The specified ImageId does not exist. | 诊断 |
404 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.NotFound
| The specified KMSKeyId does not exist. | 诊断 |
404 | InvalidResourceGroup.NotFound
| The ResourceGroup provided does not exist in our records. | 诊断 |
500 | | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. | 诊断 |