专有网络 - 错误码
HTTP 状态码 | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 | 操作 |
400 | The specified instance does not exist. | 指定的实例不存在。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified billing period is invalid. | 指定的计费周期无效。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified billing type is invalid. | 指定的计费类型不可用。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Table name format is invalid. | 无法修改路由表属性,表名格式无效 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified Name is not valid. | 传入的Name无效 | 诊断 | |
400 | Access device not allow direct enable physical connection | 接入设备不允许直接使能物理端口 | 诊断 | |
400 | The input access point does not exist or does not have permission to view it. | 输入的接入点不存在或者没有权限查看。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The user's account balance for purchasing the VPN is insufficient. | 用户购买VPN的账户余额不足。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The available amount of the account is insufficient. | 账号可用金额不足 | 诊断 | |
400 | User attempted to create a new order.but user account balance is insufficient. | 账号余额不足 | 诊断 | |
400 | AliUid not allow direct enable physical connection | AliUid不允许直接使能物理端口 | 诊断 | |
400 | There is another job which is testing. | 同一个用户在同一个地域只能同时进行一个故障演练任务。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The IpVersion of the IpInstance does not match the IpVersion of the BandwidthPackage. | Eip实例与共享带宽的IpVersion不匹配。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The dhcpOptionsSetId does not match the VPC. | DHCP选项集实例ID和VPC不匹配,请检查DHCP和VPC的对应关系是否正确。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Available zone not exist. | 可用区不存在。 | 诊断 | |
400 | You cannot add the hybrid cloud EIP to the bandwidth package. The bandwidth of the bandwidth package is lower than the EIP bandwidth. | 混合云模式的eip不能添加到低带宽的带宽包中。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified bandwidth package has an outstanding balance and has been locked. You cannot add any IP address. | 指定的带宽包已经被金融锁定,不能添加ip。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified bind instance has bandwidth. | 指定的绑定实例已经具有带宽。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The instance may have portMap or already bind eip. | ECS 实例已经存在端口转发规则(DNAT),请删除相应的端口转发规则再进行操作。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified Tags and ResourcesIds are not allow to both empty. | 标签和资源组不能同时为空 | 诊断 | |
400 | The parameter GatewayRouteTableId and Ipv4GatewayRouteTableId cannot be empty at the same time. We recommend that you use GatewayRouteTableId. | 参数GatewayRouteTableId和Ipv4GatewayRouteTableId不能同时为空,建议您使用GatewayRouteTableId。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Either %s or %s should be specified. | Ipv6InstanceId和Ipv6InternetBandwidthId不能同时为空 | 诊断 | |
400 | Either Ipv6AddressId or Ipv6InternetBandwidthId should be specified. | 入参Ipv6AddressId和Ipv6InternetBandwidthId不能同时为空 | 诊断 | |
400 | No payment method is specified for your account or prepayment balance is insufficient. | 账户没有设置支付方式或预留金额不足. | 诊断 | |
400 | The netmask length of client IP pool must be greater than or equal to 16 and less than or equal to 29. | 客户端 IP 池的网络掩码长度必须大于等于 16 且小于等于 29。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified client IP pool cannot be used. | 当前客户端网段不可用。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The instance component is invalid. | 销售模块参数不满足约束检查 | 诊断 | |
400 | The specified VSwitchCidrReservationMask and VSwitchCidrReservationCidr is conflict. | 指定的 VSwitchCidrReservationMask 和 VSwitchCidrReservationCidr 冲突,请根据API文档参数说明修改后重试。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The amount of HaVip associated with the specified Instance reach its limits. | 超过实例的HaVip配额。 | 诊断 | |
400 | There can be 5 route entry to HaVip at most in one route table. | 指向该HaVip实例的路由条目数量已达上限。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The count of route entry to HaVip in one route table is exceeded. | 同路由表中指向HaVip的路由数超过限制。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The amount of Instance associated with the specified HaVip reach its limits. | 超过HaVip的实例配额。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The number of created destination routes exceeds the quota limit. | 创建目的路由数量超过配额限制。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The number of policy routes exceeds the quota limit. | 策略路由数量超过配额限制。 | 诊断 | |
400 | Create the number of SSL certificates that exceed the quota limit. | 创建超过配额限制的SSL证书数量。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The number of VPN connections exceeds the quota limit. | VPN连接数量超过配额限制。 | 诊断 | |
400 | The number of created VPN customer gateways exceeds the quota. | 创建VPN用户网关数量超出配额。 | 诊断 | |
500 | Call inner service failed. | 调用内部服务失败,请稍后重试。 | 诊断 | |
Alloc bandwidthPackage ips failed | 为共享带宽包分配公网IP失败。 | 诊断 | ||
指定的账号已欠费。 | 诊断 | |||
RAM账号身份验证失败。 | 诊断 | |||
The specified BandwidthPackage has been Financail Lock. | 该带宽包被欠费锁定。 | 诊断 | ||
带宽包数量已超过限制。 | 诊断 | |||
指定的共享带宽包处于欠费锁定状态。 | 诊断 | |||
BandwidthPackage operation conflict | 共享带宽包操作冲突。 | 诊断 | ||
Cannot operate the eip. | 不能操作这个EIP。 | 诊断 | ||
指定的实例组件无效,请您检查该实例组件是否正确。 | 诊断 | |||
Specified Vpc exceeds the quota of max number of ha-vip count. | 超过指定VPC的HAVIP配额。 | 诊断 | ||
The count of GlobalAccelerationInstances can be associated on one BackendServer has reach the limit . | 一个后端服务实例绑定的全球加速实例数量达到上限 | 诊断 | ||
订单创建失败。 | 诊断 |